Tuesday 19 January 2010

so by 'morn' I meant belated...

They say no news is good news, right? Between Prison Break (more about this later), Gossip Girl and Sex and the City, what do I do in the evenings? Well Mr E and I seem to be (fingers crossed) on the up and up. driving lessons on the down and down - probably not worth mentioning. I'm starting to think maybe, just maybe - my life needs more adventure. Now, obviously I know that no-one is reading this, no-one even remotely knows about this!

I actually spoke too soon. I'm going to use this as an e-therapy session, if you don't mind. So all day, I've been clearly upset, so clearly. First, and I'll explain: Mr E doesn't talk to me for over an hour, I finally say "so..." then he tells me the reason why he didn't talk to me is because he was "talking to an old friend" obviously at the same he didn't state that this was in person, I assumed (wrongly apparently) that it was online.

So I suggest I logoff if I'm interrupting, I wait over 5 minutes for a response, you know - "no it's ok i'll just be x amount of time" - but nothing, he didn't respond so I just logged off. I re-logged back on about 10 minutes later, sat and waited for a message before he left work, I just sat and next thing I knew, he logged off msn (I assume he was going home). Mr E doesn't seem to see why this would hurt me, and I don't know if him not knowing that it's hurting me, actually hurts me more than the whole situation itself.

Then he doesn't talk to me all day, obviously gets mad at me because I'm upset (which he promised he would try to stop doing; to no avail so far.) Anywa, the ignoring each other since he's been back home lasted till we started going to bed. Then we talk on msn, I suggest we go to bed, he tells me he's going to get the phone - 10 minutes later he tells me his mum called him upstairs. Though, why would you go offline status on facebook for that I don't know. He always go into offline mode on fb and it's starting to bother me because I can't for the life of me, figure out why.

ANYWAY. Enough about Mr E for now (in other words: everything has already all been blamed on me so there is no point talking about it anymore.) it just bothers me because he knows how I feel about everything, he knows that I feel like we're drifting away, he knows all this but it never changes anything and it's starting to worry me. Can someone really not be affected by someone being as upset as I am? It's inhumane... Oh well, nothing I can do about that right now.

your wannabe housewife.

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